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The food we eat provides fuel for our bodies; it is from this food that we are made; skin cells, brain cells, hormones; every part of the body is carefully constructed from the food we eat.

Optimum nutrition provides the body with the correct balance of protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins and minerals needed for growth and repair.

If you choose poor quality food how can you expect to get maximum performance and function? Food provides fuel and nutrients and the body needs a steady supply.

It is these daily food choices that impact on our day to day health and it is never too late to make improvements; this doesn’t have to be a radical overhaul, sometimes just a small change can make a big difference.

Even though there is no blanket diet for everyone there are general guidelines that should be incorporated. Stress, lack of sleep, refined foods, sugar, pollution and medication are just some of the factors that can impair our overall health and wellbeing, in fact these can be thought of as “anti-nutrients”. Optimum nutrition can help limit the effects and lead to a healthier more enjoyable life.

Digestion and elimination are essential:

Food must be digested and absorbed in order for the body to utilise nutrients and just like any waste disposal unit, your body needs regular emptying to prevent the accumulation of waste and toxins.

The quality of food is important:

We are bombarded with fancy and “fresh” looking produce, but learning to read food labels and see past clever marketing can allow you to make healthier food choices.


Consultation and Support

One-to-one consultations:
Central and North West London

Telephone consultations:
For those where time or location are an issue.

On-going telephone and email support for any comments, questions or feedback in
between appointments.

Image by Alexandra Kikot

Biochemical Testing

Biochemical Testing is sometimes necessary should further investigation be needed, this can include – Blood, Stool, Urine, Hair. 

These give us a much more detailed inside into vitamin and mineral levels, gut health, allergens, hormone and neurotransmitter levels. 

This will be discussed during your consultation if they are deemed to be relevant at the time.

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Personal Shopper

Ever wanted to make your shopping trolley a healthier place, but not sure how?

Would you like to learn how and what to shop for; learn how to read food labels, what to increase or decrease and get out of a shopping rut?
Working together we devise a shopping list that works for you.


Kitchen Detox

Do you dare let The Nutritionist into the truth in your fridge and kitchen cupboards?

It’s a great start to a healthier eating regime and you’ll be left inspired and with a report of what to eat and what not to eat.



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