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about Nutritionist Seki

About The Nutritionist

I do believe in walking the talk, however, I realise that it’s not easy and there are no short cuts. I too have to make the best choices possible each day, but trust me, it doesn’t happen all the time, and it’s just as important to recognise that what we need/want today is not the same as yesterday or tomorrow.  Our bodies change and I hope to be able to help you better understand and recognise those needs to be in the best position to look after yourself and your internal environment, my role is not to tell you what to do but inform you so make well informed choices.

I graduated from The Institute of Optimum Nutrition and have since been in practice for over 20 years and have never lost my passion for learning and improving.

 As someone who used to mainline countless cups of sugary coffee, jelly babies and more than the occasional bottle of wine while burning the candle at both ends and trying all kinds of weird and not so wonderful fad diets, I personally know the health consequences that can result at the time and later on in life (IBS, PCOS, Chronic Fatigue) but I also know that making and maintaining better food and lifestyle choices is fundamental, how can what you feed your body be “alternative”, alternative to what?  Eating rubbish each day?


Realistic and Doable

Are you confused or just fed up with all the conflicting information that is now out there about how to be healthy? 

Health has become so complicated these days and it doesn’t need to be.

So often we are told to avoid x, y, z and then we will look and feel amazing, that follow what celebrity X is doing and you’ll have the body of your dreams…overnight of course!  But how about considering what your body needs?  We don’t have to go to extremes, but there is a need to make sense of what works for YOU at this particular time of your life, in a realistic and doable way.


It's not about restriction

Food is not just about fuelling and nourishing our bodies but it’s also something we should enjoy, and so many rules, fads and restrictions can mean that we lose sight of that. I would like to help you find that balance, your balance.

Look online and there are countless quick fixes, but the lasting effects are often just as quick, we may have gotten rid of a symptom but have we become healthier and happier?  Is what we are currently doing sustainable?

Healthy eating is not all about restriction and fear led by social media, celebrities or even what works for your friends and family.  You are unique, with a completely individual biochemical make up and history so together, let’s find out what works for you, there is no blanket diet that works for everyone all the time.


Feel inspired

Consultations are designed to help you gain a better understanding of your health, also to motivate and inspire you and help you to feel more in control.

You may be so used to feeling a certain way that it has become your normal, when in reality you have symptoms that something is out of balance.  Normal does not mean optimal!

You have the greatest control over your food choices, and that food provides the body with fuel but also has an impact on every cell and body system, and nothing happens in isolation, the body functions as one system, not different departments. 

Sometimes just a few small changes have a big impact.


What to expect

One-to-one consultation either in person on Zoom.  Prior to the initial consultation you will be sent a detailed questionnaire relating to your diet, lifestyle, medical conditions and areas that you are looking to address.

We work together to formulate a personalised plan built around you and your individual needs, with the focus always being food first and then vitamin and mineral supplements if necessary.  Learning to read and understand food labels.  Also labels on skincare products, what goes on to our bodies.

I was looking for a general overhaul of my eating habits and how they might be affecting my health. Seki looked in depth at some of my symptoms, even small issues i had ignored. A plan was then tailored which was devised for my specific personal needs and Seki then discussed with me how better choices and a revised way of eating, as well as some carefully chosen supplements, could improve my health and wellbeing.  These changes mean I no longer feel bloated and have less stiffness in my joints. I feel energetic and refreshed.  Thank you Seki!



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