On Zoom or in person
These can be used to investigate further and pinpoint areas for attention.
The Nutritionist shopping trips take into account tastes, needs and budget.

Working with Seki has been a transformative process for me. I have learnt so much about myself, physically & mentally, and through her guidance, together, we have improved my wellbeing, my inner self worth and an appreciation of my body as it changes with the passing of time. I’m in the next physical chapter of my life, the menopause. I knew there was only one nutritionist who had the skill sets, the knowledge and the caring nature to help me through this monumental change every woman goes through. Seki has an innate ability to tap into what we are experiencing. The ease in which she explains to me what I am experiencing gives me comfort.
What really impressed me was how she understood how the chain of reactions in your body and mind are all interlinked and the importance of not ignoring them rather do something about it in the most holistic/healthy way.
Seki most certainly gave me confidence to embrace this natural change and with her professional approach and caring nature my symptoms are being treated in harmony with my work/life balance and the results are tangible. Seki has become a trusted part of my life and I can tell you from my own experience that Seki has got your back…and your gut, your mental health and your menopause! I cannot highly recommend her enough, she’s marvellous.
Louise, Gloucestershire

Although I do have an interest and focus in women’s health ( of all ages) and digestive health, a Nutritionist can help if you feel that any of the following apply to you;
Do you feel tired but wired but with poor quality sleep?
Do you that you have lost your get up and go and are just about struggling to go through the motions?
Do you find it harder to manage and stabilise your weight?
Do you feel increasingly anxious, irritable and lack concentration and focus?
Do you wonder where your memory has gone?
Do you suffer from heartburn, bloating, gas or just uncomfortable digestion?
Do you find yourself giving in to food cravings too often?
Do you feel like you are always catching colds and infections?
Would you like to improve your joint health and have more stamina?
Have you been diagnosed with High Cholesterol or Blood Pressure?
Do you feel that you need some guidance and structure around your food choices?